Story Theme Roadmap
Here is the Story Theme roadmap. On this page, you can see the update history of the theme, as well as what is planned for the next update!
You can make your suggestions by email to
Next Update Schedule:
Next Update: 2.8.5
Expected Release Date: 23/01/2025
🪲 Bugs
Header: Bug when hiding the header
Cart: Adjust the cart timer class
Cart: The Timer does not work on the cart page
Section: Bug when modifying the "Related Products" section
Section: Correct the display of writing a review
Section: The “stories” block in the “featured product” section does not work outside the product page
Section: Content container shadow not working on product cards in “featured collection” section
Section: Add border-radius on images in icons section
Section: Fix IDs in banner
Product: Changed how the discount badge works on the product page
Product: Bug on packs when the product has comparative price variants
Product: Bug on payment badges
Product: Bug on displaying stories when there is a UGC section when both are on the same page
⏫️ Updates
🌟 New Features
Update History:
►Story Theme 2.8.4 - 09/11/2024
🪲 Bugs:
Section: Bug with the slider in the Stories section
General: Bug when applying animations from the side
Cart: Display bug for custom variants in the cart
Cart: Issue with currency display in the cart
⏫️ Updates:
Product: Possibility to use the US format on the "Delivery estimates" block
🌟 New Features:
►Story Theme 2.8.3 - 31/10/2024
🪲 Bugs:
Section: Shopify bug that made the banner unavailable on the editor
⏫️ Updates:
🌟 New Features:
►Story Theme 2.8.2 - 25/10/2024
🪲 Bugs:
Product: Display bug on button variants in the "Featured Product" section
Section: Display bug on "Apps" section container
Product: Display bug on the "Story" block of the product page
Product: Product image display bug on scroll
Product: "<strong>" tag that appears when the price is bolded
⏫️ Updates:
🌟 New Features:
►Story Theme 2.8.1 - 14/10/2024
🪲 Bugs:
Product: Variants too tight on mobile in the "Pack with Variants" block
General: Wishlist hearts don't appear in Safari browser
Product: Extra button for variant pack with wishlist doesn't appear below button
General: Images sometimes blur on mobile device
⏫️ Updates:
🌟 New Features:
►Story Theme 2.8.0 - 11/10/2024
🪲 Bugs:
Section: Text separator alignment bug on banner when text is on the sides
Section: Text alignment bug when on the sides of the slide section
Section: Missing translation: empty wishlist
Section: Display bug on collection list table
Section: The ‘free’ badge no longer works on Pack Section
Cart: Unit price not hidden on the shopping cart page
Product: Button width that does not work on the dynamic button
Product: French error now translatable into all languages
Product: Automatic price updates based on the selection of certain packs and bundles
Product: Implementing changes to the product page on the featured product section
Product: Product description images are displayed stretched in height
Product: Adjustment of product description bulleted lists
⏫️ Updates:
General: Better Hn management
General: Be able to change the background behind the dividers
Cart: Improved marketing arguments in the cart
Product: New display types on the variant pack
Product: Complete style for product page timer
Product: Possibility of changing the color of the delivery estimate
Product: 'Out of stock’ text displayed when hovering over a color swatch
Product: New displays for button variants
Product: Possibility of taking 30 days instead of 10 to estimate delivery and process the order
Product: Possibility of choosing the quantity to be added to the cart in the “Automatic product addition” block
Product: Improved display of customised image variants and ability to delete an imported image
Product: Bold price display option
Product: Possibility of setting the date of the “Icon” block in US format
Section: Possibility of setting the ‘Adapt to image’ format in the featured collection
Section: Display ‘See more’ when reviews are too long
Section: Possibility of changing breadcrumb font size and improved mobile display
Section: Possibility of removing the “Learn more” button from the “Featured collection” section
Section: Adding blocks to the bundle/pack section
Section: Possibility of adding a link rather than a video in the UGC section
Footer: Submenus can be added to the footer
🌟 New Features:
General: Ideas
Product: Add a fake stock bar
Section: Add counter section
Section: Add “Related products” section
►Story Theme 2.7.0 - 01/09/2024
🪲 Bugs:
Product: Prioritizing the image variant over color variants for better display
Product: Making the delivery estimation work even with multiple icon blocks
Product: Fixing the zoom on product images
Product: Fixing the arrow placement on packs with variants
Section: Displaying the price next to the title on mobile product cards
General: Ability to open social media in a new tab when clicked
Header: Fixing the bug with the logo on the transparent header
General: Cleaning up the console with multiple banner sections
⏫️ Updates:
Product: Possibility to make personalized variants mandatory
Product: Possibility to change the text block color
Product: Possibility to choose a quantity for the first pack in the pack with variants
Section: Possibility to add text to the video section
Section: The display and functionality of the bundle section have been revised
Section: Possibility to add links in the gallery section
Section: Possibility to adjust the bottom margins on the banner blocks
Section: Possibility to adjust the spacing of images in the Scrolling Gallery section
Section: Possibility to wrap text in title descriptions
Section: Improvement of the rendering of the comparison list section on mobile
🌟 New Features:
General: Adding the "Wish List" system
General: Redesign of the timers functionality
Section: Adding the timer block to the banner and image with text sections
Section: Adding the "Pictogram" block to all sections
Cart: New delivery estimation block for product and cart
Section: Possibility to change the color of bold words in all sections
Section: Possibility to hide certain sections on desktop/mobile
Section: Redesign of the "Password" page
►Story Theme 2.6.2 - 02/08/2024
🪲 Bugs:
Header: Bug with marquee in announce bar
⏫️ Updates:
🌟 New Features:
►Story Theme 2.6.1 - 15/07/2024
🪲 Bugs:
Header: Correction to the display of collection and upsell cards
Section: Transparent and blurred header now functional
Product: Navigation points in the testimonial block on the product page have been adjusted
⏫️ Updates:
🌟 New Features:
►Story Theme 2.6.0 - 12/07/2024
🪲 Bugs:
Cart: Issue with the promo code functionality in the cart
Cart: Input correction in upsell cart and Sticky ATC
Cart: Issues with variant product display in the cart
Product: Added bottom margin to the extra button of the variant bundle
Product: Display bug on custom image for variants and enhanced the possibility to increase their size
Section: Pixelization issue with images in HotSpot and Slideshow
General: Bug affecting the slider on social media navigation
General: Cleaned up the console for better performance and debugging
⏫️ Updates:
Cart: Added the possibility to hide the cart icon
Cart: Added the possibility to hide the unit price in the cart
Section: Added the possibility to choose the color of the overlay in the banner and slideshow sections
Section: Added the possibility to include a mobile-specific image in the slideshow section
Section: Reduced the size of the specs section for better layout management
Product: Enhanced the functionality to place a product directly when adding products
Product: Implemented a feature to display "sold out" on variants
Footer: Added the possibility to manually input email and address and phone information in the footer
Header: Added the possibility to transform the last link in the header into a button
General: Introduced the possibility to add a gradient to buttons
General: Introduced a new error modal to enhance user interaction and error handling
🌟 New Features:
Product: Added a Stories block in the product section
Product: Implemented a size guide block
Product: Introduced a free delivery block in the product section
Section: Included videos UGC Section
Section: Added a Gallery marquee section
Header: Integrated a language selector
Cart: Added shipping protection on the cart
►Story Theme 2.5.3 - 07/05/2024
🪲 Bugs:
Issue with incorrect pricing display when both a reduced price and a normal price are shown for the same product on the collection page
Issue preventing products from being deleted from the cart page
Improved display issue with buttons and variants on product cards on the collection page
⏫️ Updates:
Inverted the positions of dynamic and ATC (Add to Cart) button for better user interaction
Added display of discounts on products directly in the cart
Functionality to change the product photo according to the variant chosen in the featured collection section
Added the possibility to include only text (without an image) in the reviews block in the product section
Provided more customization options for packs with variants
Added the possibility to adjust text and heading sizes on mobile in the banner section
Implemented display of line savings in the cart
Improved display and customization of select elements
🌟 New Features:
Added a Breadcrumb section for enhanced navigation
►Story Theme 2.5.2 - 22/04/2024
🪲 Bugs:
Issue with the block image position on image with text section
Issue with variants and ATC button on featured collection section
⏫️ Updates:
🌟 New Features:
►Story Theme 2.5.1 - 11/04/2024
🪲 Bugs:
Issue with width of button and input on collection upsell in drawer
⏫️ Updates:
🌟 New Features:
►Story Theme 2.5.0 - 13/03/2024
🪲 Bugs:
Issue with the buy button when there is no stock
Issue with the background on variant buttons
Bugs on the cart page
Issue with SVG display on select elements
⏫️ Updates:
🌟 New Features:
Bundle with variants on product page
►Story Theme 2.4.2 - 11/02/2024
🪲 Bugs:
Issue with the logo not being transparent on the product page header
Problem encountered when adding a custom icon to the specifications section
Issue when placing a custom icon in the cart marketing section
Text alignment issue on the Image with Text banner
Bug where the text container on the banner was too large on mobile devices
Multiple H1 tags problem
ensuring better SEO practices
Sticky add-to-cart button hiding the footer issue
Sticky header's reduce size logo feature not functioning as expected
⏫️ Updates:
Added the possibility to adapt the logo size on mobile
Added the possibility to include up to 4 accordions in the product block
Changed the display of the dropdown menu
Added the possibility to change the display of variant images
Centered elements in the footer
Made the announcement bar sticky
Added padding to text when using a full-page container
Implemented full width just for images
Added the possibility to change the size of the text block in the product section
Included video into customize
🌟 New Features:
►Story Theme 2.4.1 - 30/12/2023
🪲 Bugs:
Bug on the contact page
⏫️ Updates:
🌟 New Features:
►Story Theme 2.4.0 - 29/12/2023
🪲 Bugs:
Issue with loop and scrollbar in sliders
Inability to apply strong text formatting in the announcement section
Out of stock products added to cart showing an oversized error svg in collections
Price placement under product title in collections
Direct checkout button now positioned above the add to cart button in the product section
Quantity selector aligned with the add to cart button (when extra button is activated) in the product section
Add to Cart (ATC) button resets to initial state when changing variants in the product section
Price displayed next to the product title now updates according to the variant selected in the product section
When cart is empty
the button link can now be changed (previously redirected to the collection page by default
should close the drawer) in the cart
Savings amounting to 0 are no longer displayed
even if the feature is activated
in the cart
⏫️ Updates:
Enabled/disabled bold button in general settings
Inverted position separators in general settings
Added ability to add custom color to stars in general settings
Added ability to adjust stars size in general settings
Changed radius selectors to range in general settings
Added another part of the page as blocks in the contact section
Moved ATC sticky bar to the bottom of the screen in the sticky ATC section
Added extra button in the button section
Added possibility to add link to icon in the image with text section
Added possibility to remove gap between image and text block in the image with text section
Added possibility to add an icon in front of title in the image with text section
Added possibility to add a second button in the image with text section
Added description and ability to add background to icon in the icon block of the image with text section
Added possibility to remove “À partir de” in product cards
Added possibility for center alignment in the product section
Added custom variants with image in the product section
Added possibility to increase size of compared price in the product section
Added possibility to change text container width in the banner section
Set placement step of 1 and maximum 5 hotspots in the HotSpot section
Added possibility to increase title font size in the icons section
Added a counter block in the icons section
Added button to text in the icons section
Added zip code on address in the footer
Added ability to show the timeline bar in the middle with alternating text position in the timeline section
Added ability to show logo in the comparison section
Added possibility to change the global color palette of the cart
Added possibility to edit the "continuer les achats" button link when the cart is empty
Reduced margin between logo and menu when logo is in the middle in the header
Made header transparent
🌟 New Features:
Cropped colored backgrounds on all sections
Background image on sections
Grid image section
Support for gradient on the theme
Divider block in Product section
Icon title text block in Product section
Added second and third image in the Image with Text section
Reviews block with extra button in Banner section
Hover icon block in Banner section
Product specifications section
►Story Theme 2.3.3 - 10/12/2023
🪲 Bugs:
All bugs resolved
⏫️ Updates:
🌟 New Features:
►Story Theme 2.3.2 - 24/11/2023
🪲 Bugs:
All bugs resolved
⏫️ Updates:
🌟 New Features:
►Story Theme 2.3.1 - 04/11/2023
🪲 Bugs:
Possibility to scroll cart upsell
Several minor bugs have been corrected
⏫️ Updates:
🌟 New Features:
►Story Theme 2.3.0 - 29/09/2023
🪲 Bugs:
Overlay having the same color as the text
Button not disabling
Description text and button not appearing with full image
Added a redirection link to general icons for custom banner icons
Removed bottom margin on slideshow (scrollbar)
Added ability to remove content from a slide on slideshow
Last product icon not making text bold and italic
Changed heading to text in collapsible block
Enabled adding multiple icons blocks
Fixed Z-index on scroll bar swiper
Fixed Z-index being too low on popup apps
Cart icons module showing empty icons
Fixed text color on sticky ATC
Fixed grid display on icons
Description now appears only when heading isn't blank
Reduced font size
Added ability to center content
Swiper elements are now placed correctly
⏫️ Updates:
Added image to the collection section
Added a "See All Products" button
Added a reviews button to the reviews section
Adjusted spacing between heading and separator
Content is now centered
🌟 New Features:
Added an anchor system
►Story Theme 2.2.0 - 08/09/2023
🪲 Bugs:
Issue with displaying payment badges on cart drawer
Bug with grid display on image text
Product image not adapted for portrait images
Overlay on banner having the same color as the title
Missing top margin on the "show all reviews" button on mobile
Issue with the quantity block on products not on sale
Issue with the research page
Title on newsletter section not centering
Issue with price size and sale tag on mobile
Compatibility issues with shopifypreview domains
Vertical product images not working
Filters not functioning on collection pages
Product titles on product page not changing when adjusting size
Missing translations in the quantity breaker
Domain prefix issue for multimarket
Title and reviews not appearing when only the name is provided in the reviews section
Marquee font family inconsistency on mobile
⏫️ Updates:
Option to replace thumbnails with dots or remove them entirely
Separator added at the top of the total in the cart drawer
Autoplay enabled for videos in the image-text section
Option to increase the price size further
Custom cart icon feature introduced
Secondary style for variants to be displayed side by side
Option to remove the variant label
Ability to rearrange the order of the image with the text section
CTA button added in the header
Increased font size for variant labels
Icon display introduced for the add-to-cart button
Option to display the title and pricing above the image on the product page for mobile
Adjusted the maximum blocks displayed in grid view for the reviews section
Autoplay for the reviews block in the product section
Moved color-variant settings from general to the variant block
Option to adjust font size on banner texts
Announcement bar text field changed to inline rich text
Capability to include subtitles in accordions
🌟 New Features:
Custom variant added (text and image picker)
Color picker introduced to change bold words in the content section
Payment badges added to the cart slide below the "go to checkout" button
Small text & image feature added below the button
►Story Theme 2.1.2 - 16/08/2023
🪲 Bugs:
Issue with adapting to media on mobile with large images
Issue with stories section
Custom icons image on general settings not working
Padding issue on the left of text when displaying cart
Settings drawer overlay not functioning
Bug found in featured collection
Issue with savings using auto discount not working
Collection list page malfunction
Video banner on desktop bug
Resizing images on blog page issue
Sale tag on product cards showing 1 every 2
Collections list hover effect bug
Horizontal spacing issue inside product description
Sticky position from product image not working when sticky header is disabled
Z-index from sticky atc not being large enough
Image max-width not set to 100%
Lack of spacing between paragraphs inside description
Diaporama malfunction
Legal Footer being too large
causing horizontal scrolling on mobile
Changing price size on product section affects prices of all products on the page
Empty accordion present on block in product section
Small word “du” appearing in front of price in collection sections
Search logo not appearing with header set to "Top center”
Currency in multimarket not functioning in cart and cart drawer
Image and video ratio bug on image with text section
⏫️ Updates:
🌟 New Features:
►Story Theme 2.1.1 - 26/07/2023
🪲 Bugs:
Domain name not recognized bug
⏫️ Updates:
🌟 New Features:
►Story Theme 2.1.0 - 19/07/2023
🪲 Bugs:
Change font style in accordions
Thin line on top separator when animated
Disable Sticky ATC
Animation before saves doesn’t work on product page
Display bug on password page
Manage z-index on cart slide above pop-ups
Product card alignment isn’t working
When cart page is enabled
price elements are not display the same
Reduce marquee height
Z-Index Modal Story Section and Z-Index scroll bar
Divide description block in 2 blocks
Custom icon on image with text
Compare at price doesn’t show when compare at price or price varies
Put secondary bg color on separator background
Loox stars on product cards are not show properly
When increasing button spacing
font size stays the same
New slider on buttons settings to manage button font size
Image with text full width : text is sticked to the side
⏫️ Updates:
Custom font-size and color price
Hyperlinks on number and mail in footer block Brand Informations
Possibility to customize burger menu icon
Add Reviews on product section
Enable alignment center in icons section
Add a cursor to increase icon width
Possibility to disable border on announcement bar
Add reviews section on footer group
Add spacing between paragraphs inside text area
Create better template on cart page
Add a play button on stories
Adjust by 0.5 reviews on product page
Possibility to change color on reviews stars on product page
Possibility to add review on sticky add to cart
Add compare at price in sticky add to cart
Possibility to just show redirect button in sticky add to cart
Possibility to add stars review on reviews section
Possibility to add custom icon on collapsible content
🌟 New Features:
Variant selection on collection
Coupon Code on cart page and slide
Create section for secondary menu
Add Pop-up Newsletter
Add 'Write a review' button on reviews section
Quantity reductions
Add an image block in product section
New font picker for subheadings
Add a font size range in content section to resize bullet points
New styles for cart icon
►Story Theme 2.0.0 - 29/06/2023
🪲 Bugs:
All bugs shown in the console are now fixed
All bugs due to applications integrations are now fixed
Some bugs due to animations and carousels are now fixed
⏫️ Updates:
All source code was rewrite from zero and is now totally optimized for structure
SEO and accessibility
Loading speed improved by far
🌟 New Features:
New color schemes from Shopify Online Store 2.0
Huge in-editor upgrades to customize your Story Theme
New sections and functionalities